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6 Benefits Of Coffee That You Do Not Know Yet

6 Benefits Of Coffee That You Do Not Know Yet
For you buddies who like to drink coffee know what are the benefits contained in coffee? If you do not know let us discuss a little benefit from drinking coffee.

1. Protecting the Heart
Coffee drinkers who consume 1-2 cups of black coffee per day have a lower risk of stroke than those who do not drink coffee. This is caused by the antioxidants contained in coffee. Coffee has more antioxidants than blueberries. The antioxidants contained in it help to resist the adverse effects of inflammation on the arteries. Shortly after drinking it, coffee increases the pressure on blood and heart rate. But after a while, coffee actually lower blood pressure, because the antioxidants in coffee activate nitric acid in the body so that the blood vessels dilate.

2. Prevent diebetes
Coffee antioxidants, especially chlorogenic acids and guinides, play a role to boost the body's cells against insulin that helps regulate blood sugar. In fact, people who drink coffee every day have a lower risk of getting 2 types of diabetes, according to some studies.

3. Maintain good health
Coffee can also minimize the risk of cirrhosis and other liver diseases. An analysis of nine studies found that coffee can lower the risk of cancer by 43%. This is because of the role of antioxidants and caffeine in it.

4. Increase brain power
Drinking coffee regularly can also help reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's, just like Parkinson's. Antioxidants contained in the coffee counteract damage to brain cells and help the neural network to work more leverage so that the brain works better.

5. Helps relieve headaches
Research proves, 200 milligrams of caffeine can help relieve headaches, including migraine. However, there are no studies that show how caffeine relieves headaches, but researchers believe that caffeine increases the activity of brain cells that cause blood vessels around them to tighten.

6. Increase male fertility
Benefits of Drinking Black Coffee in the Morning makes Sperm Deras and Lively, The Result of Research
For coffee addicts, a cup of coffee in the morning can boost the passion and passion for the move. Not only that, research conducted by the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, found that drinking bitter coffee in the morning is also beneficial for male fertility.
For the men let's drink coffee


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