ARABICA COFFEE - Kopi Kerinci Arabika Jambi Province was chosen to be one of the commodities from Indonesia who participated in the trade again with 11 Sukhoi Su-35 fighter aircraft from Russia. Members of the Group of Arabica Farmers Group , Suryono in Jambi, on Wednesday (11/10) confirmed that his company had been contacted by PT Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia (Persero) who declared to choose arabica coffee Kerinci as one of the products to be used as trade back to Russia. With the news, Suryono said, coffee farmers who are members of the Alam Kerinci (KAK) group requested full support from the district government to the central government to assist the required administrative process. This is in desperate need of support from various parties, as we will need various licenses and recommendations for exporting coffee as part of trade with Russia, "he said. The return of this trade, according to him, is a support for coffee farmers arabica berkelompok Kerinci. So...